Mohan Charan Majhi, a prominent tribal leader and four-time MLA, has assumed office as the new Chief Minister of Odisha, marking a significant political shift in the state. This move comes as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured a clear mandate in the assembly elections, ending the 24-year reign of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) led by Naveen Patnaik. At 52 years old, Majhi succeeds Patnaik, the longtime BJD supremo.

Accompanying Majhi in his new role are his deputies, Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo, a six-time legislator, and Prabhati Parida, a debutant MLA. They were sworn in by Governor Raghubar Das in a ceremony attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior BJP leaders at Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar.

The BJP’s victory in the Odisha Assembly elections saw them secure 78 seats out of 147, while the BJD managed 51 seats. With this power shift, the BJP formed its first-ever government in the state.

Expressing his congratulations to Odisha’s new Chief Minister, Prime Minister Modi highlighted the historic significance of this moment, emphasizing the blessings and support of the people of Odisha. He underscored his confidence in the leadership of Mohan Charan Majhi, along with his deputies, Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo and Pravati Parida, and expressed optimism for the state’s future development under their stewardship.

Majhi’s appointment as Chief Minister makes him the third tribal leader to hold this position in Odisha’s history, following in the footsteps of Congress’s Hemananda Biswal and Giridhar Gamang.

The strategic selection of Majhi and his deputies reflects the BJP’s aim to maintain regional balance, with Majhi hailing from Keonjhar in northern Odisha, Deo from the western region, and Parida from the coastal areas.

In a gesture of goodwill and inclusivity, hours before the swearing-in ceremony, Majhi visited former CM Naveen Patnaik and extended a formal invitation to him, symbolizing a spirit of cooperation and respect across party lines.