Rohini, an 18-year-old girl from a tribal community in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, has made history by achieving an impressive score in one of India’s toughest exams, JEE. She scored 73.8% and has gained admission to the prestigious NIT Trichy.
Speaking about her remarkable achievement, Rohini shared with ANI, “I come from a tribal community and attended a tribal government school. I took the JEE exam and scored 73.8 percent. I have been accepted to NIT Trichy, where I chose to study Chemical Engineering. The Tamil Nadu state government has K
kindly agreed to cover all my fees. I am grateful to the Chief Minister for this support. My success is due to the efforts of my headmaster and school staff.”
Rohini’s success story is particularly inspiring given her challenging background. Her parents are daily wage workers, and they live in Chinna Ilupur Village. Despite her difficult circumstances, Rohini balanced her studies and work. She shared, “My parents are daily wage workers, and I too worked as a daily wage worker while preparing for the exam. Thanks to my hard work, I earned a seat at NIT Trichy.”