In a heart-wrenching incident in Thane, Maharashtra, a 41-year-old man, Sudhakar Yadav, allegedly died by suicide shortly after calling his wife to express his desire to hear her voice. The incident occurred following a fight between Sudhakar and his wife, Sanjana Yadav, prompting her to temporarily stay with her sister.

The couple had a disagreement on December 19, leading Sanjana to move to her sister’s residence in Diva. On the morning of the next day, Sudhakar called Sanjana, who was en route to work in Kurla, Mumbai. During the call, he expressed his wish to hear her voice for two minutes.

Disturbingly, after the call, Sanjana received a photo of Sudhakar appearing to hang himself via WhatsApp. Alarmed and concerned for her husband’s safety, Sanjana requested her neighbor to check on him. Despite attempts to get a response by knocking, there was no reply. The neighbor, in turn, took the initiative to break open the door, only to discover Sudhakar’s lifeless body hanging from the ceiling.

The Vishnu Nagar police in Dombivili have initiated a case of accidental death and are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding Sudhakar Yadav’s tragic suicide. The exact reasons behind this extreme step remain under examination as authorities work to understand the events leading up to the devastating incident.