A tragic incident unfolded in the Narela Industrial Area of North Delhi early Saturday morning, resulting in the death of three individuals and injuries to six others following a fire outbreak at a food processing factory.

The Delhi Police received a PCR call at approximately 3:35 AM, prompting immediate response from law enforcement personnel. Upon arrival at the Shayam Kripa Foods PVT LTD factory, where the fire had erupted, it was discovered that nine individuals were present on-site at the time of the incident.


The victims were swiftly transported to SHRC Hospital, Narela, where, sadly, three of the injured individuals succumbed to their injuries. Among the deceased were identified as Shyam (24), Ram Singh (30), and Beerpa (42), while the injured included Pushpender (26), Akash (19), Mohit Kumar (21), Ravi Kumar (19), Monu (25), and Lalu (32).

Preliminary investigations by the police revealed that the fire originated from a gas leak on one of the pipelines while raw moong was being roasted on gas burners. The gas leak triggered the spread of the fire, leading to the overheating of the compressor and eventually resulting in a blast.

Authorities have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter, and a case has been registered under the appropriate sections to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the incident and ensure accountability.