In a heartbreaking incident early Monday, a woman and her two young children were tragically charred to death when their home was engulfed in flames in Kishtwar district, Jammu and Kashmir, police reported. The victims have been identified as Nazia Begum, her daughter Amina, and son Rizwan, all of whom were asleep when the fire broke out.
The devastating fire erupted around 4:30 am in the home of Khursheed Ahmad, located in Badhat-Jashar village of Drabshalla. Despite efforts to escape, Nazia and her children were trapped inside as the blaze quickly spread. Neighbors were reportedly alerted too late to save them.
Police have yet to determine the cause of the fire, with a full investigation currently underway.
Meanwhile, a separate fire incident damaged a Gujjar-Bakerwal boys’ hostel in the Chatroo area of Kishtwar late Sunday night. Thankfully, no injuries were reported in that incident, authorities confirmed.
This tragic loss has sent shockwaves through the community, sparking calls for heightened fire safety measures across the region.
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