As temperatures rise in the southern states, Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu, known as the “Queen of Hill Stations,” is experiencing a steady increase in tourist numbers each day, coinciding with the start of the summer festival and the annual flower exhibition. This event is a significant draw, attracting tourists from various regions.

The recent rise in temperatures across Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka has led to a surge in visitors to Kodaikanal. Bala Krishna, a frequent visitor to Kodaikanal, shared his first-time experience at the flower exhibition, praising the beautifully decorated flower sculptures and the pleasant weather, enhanced by the recent rain.

Bryant Park’s flower show is the main attraction of the summer festival, drawing tourists not only from Tamil Nadu but from other Indian states as well. Sajitha, another visitor, expressed her delight at the diverse flower varieties on display, including tulips and carnations. She noted the new additions such as flower sculptures of peacocks and bears, selfie spots, and 360-degree view areas for video creation. Sajitha commended the exhibition’s organization, highlighting the creativity and extensive flower collection.

Padma, a tourist from Tirunelveli, shared her excitement about her first visit to the flower show, mentioning the variety of flowers, vegetable carvings, and flower arches on display. She enjoyed the experience greatly, especially appreciating the pleasant weather.

Kodaikanal, situated in the Dindigul District, is vibrant during the summer months of April and May. This period attracts thousands of visitors who come to enjoy the pleasant climate and various attractions, including flower shows, summer festivals, sports events, and other entertainment activities. With its year-round pleasant climate, Kodaikanal remains a popular tourist destination in any season.