After two hours of vote counting in Tamil Nadu, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam-led INDIA alliance appears to be heading for a clean sweep, leading in 38 out of 39 seats. The NDA ally PMK is ahead only in Dharmapuri, while BJP’s Annamalai is trailing in Coimbatore. This year’s Lok Sabha election in Tamil Nadu, held in a single phase on April 19, saw a voter turnout of 69.72 percent.

Key Candidates and Constituencies:

  • State BJP Chief K Annamalai: Contesting against DMK’s Ganapathi P and AIADMK’s Singai in Coimbatore.
  • Kanimozhi (DMK): Facing AIADMK’s R Sivasamy Velumani in Thoothukudi.
  • Tamilisai Soundararajan (BJP): Former Telangana Governor, contesting from Chennai South.
  • A Raja (DMK): Former Telecom Minister, competing against BJP’s L Murugan, the Union Minister of State for Fisheries in Nilgiris.

Exit Poll Predictions:

The Tamil Nadu Lok Sabha election results are highly significant, given Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intense campaigning in the state and the BJP’s lack of an alliance with the AIADMK. According to exit polls released by several agencies on June 1, the BJP is projected to gain four seats in the state, while the DMK is expected to achieve a resounding victory, followed by the AIADMK. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP failed to secure a single seat in Tamil Nadu.