On Friday, the Tamil Nadu government told the Madras High Court that action had been initiated against 21 officers as per the recommendation of the investigation report by retired judge Aruna Jagatheesan into the Thoothukudi firing incident. In 2018, anti-Sterlite protests in Thoothukudi saw police firing at the protesters which resulted in the death of 13 people. The protests were for the shut-down of the Sterlite plant in Thoothukudi.
Human rights activist Henry Tiphane had filed a petition in the Madras High Court with regard to the police firing and death of 13 people. The matter came up on 17 November before the division bench of Justices J Nisha Banu and N Mala.
The government, represented by Advocate General (AG) R Shunmugasundaram, filed a report stating that disciplinary and departmental action had been taken against 21 officers, including an IAS officer and two IPS officers. The district collector and 17 police officers were part of the 21 officials.
“Disciplinary action has been initiated (against the then district collector N Venkatesh) and charges have been framed under rule 10 of All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules through an order dated 25 October, 2022,” stated the government report. The petition came up for hearing on 3 November post which it was adjourned to 17 November. On 3 November, the Madras High Court questioned the TN government asking, “what has been done in terms of prosecution and disciplinary action” based on the Aruna Jagatheesan commission’s recommendation.
Henry Tiphane told the court then that no action had been taken against 17 police officers and three revenue officials despite the commission’s recommendation. The next hearing on this case has been posted for 11 December.
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