The Tamil Nadu Congress State General Committee meeting was convened on Tuesday in Chennai and was attended by senior Congress leaders, district leaders, MPs, MLAs and others. Addressing the gathering on the occasion, the president of the Tamil Nadu Congress, K Selvaperunthagai, asked how many more days must the party depend on others for a win in the state. It soon showed that differences of opinion existed with the senior Congress leaders in the state.
Selvaperunthagai said, “The Congress party has a legacy and history in the state. Congress has thrived for 139 years. How much longer are we going to depend on others? Or are we going to stand on our own? Which direction are we going in? We need to strengthen the party. Only if we stand strong, can we guide the next generation. The Congress structure needs to be strengthened for the next generation. We should give due responsibilities to the working people and those who are loyal to this party. This is what Congress needs today.”
After hearing Selvaperunthagai’s speech on stage, EVKS Ilangovan decided to respond to him. When he gave his speech Ilangovan said, “I also want the Congress to win in Tamil Nadu. My friend here needs to understand that. If Congress party members have become MPs today and won 40 on 40, it is only because of the DMK and MK Stalin – let’s not forget that.
We have fought the elections alone and lost and in other places we even lost the deposit. We all have a desire to win and want to win but let’s not be greedy and end up with nothing in the end. We need to vanquish the opponent but if you say you want to stand alone and lose alone that’s your wish.”
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