The BJP’s Tamil Nadu chief K Annamalai ripped into DMK leader and minister Udhayanidhi Stalin over his comment equating Sanatan Dharma with “mosquitoes, dengue, malaria, and corona,” accusing him of peddling a “bought-out idea from Christian missionaries.” The Tamil Nadu government’s minister for sports and youth affairs spoke out against Sanatan Dharma on Saturday, declaring that “few things cannot be opposed, they should only be abolished.” We must eradicate Dengue, mosquitoes, malaria, and Corona because we cannot fight them. In a similar manner, we must destroy Sanatana (Satanic Dharma). Sanatana should be eliminated rather than merely opposed.

In a scathing retort to the DMK leader over his remarks, Annamalai took to his official handle on X to post, “The only resolve that the Gopalapuram Family has is to accumulate wealth beyond the State GDP. Thiru @Udhaystalin, you, your father, or his or your idealogue have a bought-out idea from Christian missionaries & the idea of those missionaries was to cultivate ******* like you to parrot their malicious ideology.”
Taking a further swipe at Udhayanidhi, the BJP state chief posted, “Tamil Nadu is a land of spiritualism. The best you can do is to hold a Mic in an event like this & rant out your frustration!”
Echoing his sentiments, the BJP’s IT cell head, Amit Malviya, said, the DMK minister was calling for “genocide of 80 per cent of the population of Bharat”.
“Udhayanidhi Stalin, son of Tamilnadu CM MK Stalin, and a minister in the DMK Govt has linked Sanatana Dharma to malaria and dengue… He is of the opinion that it must be eradicated and not merely opposed. In short, he is calling for genocide of 80% population of Bharat, who follow Sanatan Dharma,” Malviya posted on X.