The Trinamool Congress, fresh from an overwhelming victory in the Bengal panchayat polls, has termed the BJP’s ‘fact-finding’ team, which is visiting the kin of party workers affected by poll violence in Bengal, as an attempt to divert attention from the party’s humiliating defeat. “They should first send a fact-finding team to Manipur, which has been burning for the last two months. The BJP’s fact-finding team in West Bengal is an attempt to divert attention from its organisational failure,” TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said.
The four-member team led by former Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad is visiting north and south Bengal districts. Prasad and other members of the team—SSatyapal Singh, Rajdeep Roy, and Rekha Verma—aaddressed a news conference in the BJP’s Salt Lake office before leaving for Hingalganj in North 24-Parganas.
The team slammed Mamata Banerjee over the poll violence and said that her politics have become uglier than the politics of the Left parties. “Mamata Ji’s politics has become uglier than the politics of the Left parties. Why has your political system become full of atrocities? We need an answer. The court has to intervene during every election in the state,” Prasad said.
The Trinamool Congress spokesperson, Kunal Ghosh, also opened up another front and demanded the resignation of Governor CV Ananda Bose. “Now, after the verdict of the people, Anand Bose should resign and get out of Bengal. He has acted as an agent of the BJP, provoked the opposition in unethical ways, and insulted Bengal. He has no right to continue as Governor,” Ghosh tweeted.
The Trinamool Congress also accused the BJP of unleashing terror in East Midnapore after failing to fight the ruling party in the State politically. “Unable to win the hearts of Bengal’s people, @BJP4Bengal resorts to REVENGE! In Khejuri, Purba Medinipur, our party workers were BRUTALLY ATTACKED by BJP goons, the Trinamool Congress said in its Twitter handle.
The Trinamool Congress alleged that the Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly and the senior BJP leader, Suvendu Adhikari, had been inciting violence. “LoP @SuvenduWB, who claimed to dedicatedly serve the people of Bengal before the elections, is now INCITING violence.” Trinamool Congress tweeted In the course of Panchayat elections in the state, Opposition parties repeatedly accused TMC of intimidating voters and jamming booths.