After heavy rainfall pounded the Delhi-NCR regions on Friday, tragedy struck in Dadri, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, where three children lost their lives after a wall of an under-construction house collapsed in Khodna Kalan village. The incident, which occurred under the jurisdiction of Dadri Tehsil, trapped eight children under the debris of the collapsed wall. Emergency services responded swiftly, and while three children succumbed to their injuries, the remaining five were rushed to the hospital for treatment, where they are currently undergoing medical care.

Atul Kumar, the Additional District Magistrate of Gautam Buddha Nagar, provided details on the incident, stating that the collapsed wall resulted in a tragic loss of life for three children, with ongoing relief efforts at the scene. He assured that authorities are investigating the incident thoroughly and pledged financial assistance to the affected families.

Meanwhile, in Delhi, adverse weather conditions led to another unfortunate incident at Terminal 1 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport. A canopy collapse resulted in one fatality and injuries to eight individuals. Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) promptly formed a technical committee to investigate the cause, with further details and a report expected soon. Flight operations at Terminal 1 have been suspended temporarily, with airlines rescheduling flights to Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 until the affected areas are deemed safe for operations.

The India Meteorological Department reported that Delhi Safdarjung recorded a staggering 228.1mm of rainfall within 24 hours, marking the highest June rainfall since 1936. This deluge far exceeded the area’s 30-year average of 75.2 mm, underscoring the severity of the weather event that caused these tragic incidents.