National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday detained three suspects in connection with the bomb blast case that occurred on October 23 in front of the Kottai Eswaran Temple in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu.

According to a statement from the NIA, those detained have been named as Mohammed Thoufeek, 25, Ferose Khan, 28, and Umar Faaruq, 39. The suicide bomber, Jamesha Mubeen, perished in the automobile blast.

According to the statement, a preliminary inquiry revealed that the deceased accused, Jamesha Mubeen, had planned to commit suicide and do significant damage to religious icons and monuments after accepting the ISIS “bayath” in order to terrorise the people.

Investigations have shown that the suspects Umar Faaruq and Ferose Khan participated in the conspiracy meetings that Jamesha Mubeen attended at Umar’s home in Coonor, Tamil Nadu’s Nilgiris district, as well as supporting Jamesha Mubeen in the commission of terrorist acts.

According to the agency, Mohammed Thoufeek had handwritten notes on making explosives in addition to radical Islam-related books and incriminating literature.

The case was re-registered by the NIA on October 27 after being initially registered on October 23 at Coimbatore’s Ukkadam Police Station.