A 40-year-old woman from Thane, Maharashtra, has reported being deceived out of ₹91.05 lakh in a share trading Fraud, according to local police. The woman, a software engineer from Shankeshwar Nagar in Dombivli, fell victim to the fraud between July 2 and August 6.

According to the Manpada police station official, the suspects initially contacted the woman, enticing her with promises of substantial returns from share trading. They recruited her into various social media groups dedicated to trading, where she invested the significant sum of ₹91,05,000.

When the anticipated returns failed to materialize and the perpetrators began ignoring her calls, the woman filed a complaint with the police on Sunday. The police have now registered a case against three individuals involved in the scam under relevant legal provisions.

Authorities are currently investigating the matter to apprehend the accused and recover the defrauded amount.