Terrorists attacked two non-local workers in the Mazahama area of Budgam district on Wednesday evening, leaving both men injured. The victims, who are from Uttar Pradesh, were targeted near the Mazahama graveyard on the banks of Nallah Sukhnag while working on a Jal Jeevan project initiated by the Jammu and Kashmir government.

One of the workers was hit by a bullet in the arm, while the other sustained an injury to his leg. Both were immediately rushed to Sub-District Hospital (SDH) Magam, where they are currently receiving treatment. Medical sources have confirmed that their conditions are stable.

Security forces launched an extensive search operation in and around Mazahama following the incident, deploying additional personnel to secure the area and locate the assailants. Area domination exercises and thorough searches along Nallah Sukhnag are ongoing as part of the heightened security measures.

The incident marks another targeted attack on non-local workers in Kashmir, raising security concerns for laborers involved in development projects across the region. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, and further updates are awaited as search efforts continue.