In a momentous occasion for religious harmony and cultural revival, the temple of Goddess Uma Bhagwati in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir was reopened after more than 30 years. Union Minister Nityanand Rai presided over the ceremony on Sunday, marking a significant milestone for the local community.

Following extensive restoration work, the temple doors were opened to devotees during a solemn inauguration ceremony. The idol of Goddess Uma, brought from Rajasthan, was reverently placed in the sanctum sanctorum amidst the chanting of sacred hymns, symbolizing the revival of ancient traditions at the revered site.

Local residents, including both Kashmiri Pandits and Muslims, expressed heartfelt happiness and solidarity over the temple’s restoration. “We are here to support our Pandit brethren in every possible way,” said Gulzar Ahmad, a local resident. He expressed joy that a religious function was conducted at the temple after a hiatus of 34 years, underscoring the community’s unity and shared cultural heritage.

The reopening of the Goddess Uma Bhagwati temple is viewed as a significant step towards preserving religious diversity and fostering communal harmony in Jammu and Kashmir.