High-profile Indian politicians, including President Draupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, extended their greetings to the people of Telangana on its 10th State Formation Day. The occasion was marked with a show of national pride as the state Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, and Union Minister for Tourism G Kishan Reddy separately hoisted the national flag.
Born from decades-long agitation and a subsequent split from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana was officially accorded statehood on this day in 2014. The State Formation Day was celebrated with a sense of renewed vigour, commemorating the arduous journey that led to its creation and acknowledging its transformation into a burgeoning hub of innovation.
In a Twitter post, President Murmu highlighted the state’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, adding that Telangana is home to talented people who are increasingly exploring the realms of entrepreneurship. Prime Minister Modi echoed these sentiments, emphasising the cultural richness and the commendable skills of its people. He also prayed for the well-being and prosperity of the state.
Highlighting the accomplishments of Telangana, Chief Minister Rao revealed that the state’s per capita income has more than doubled in the past nine years, jumping to Rs 3.17 lakh from Rs 1.24 lakh. He also proudly reported that the state’s Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) escalated to Rs 13 lakh crore, up from a modest Rs 5 lakh crore.
In addition to its economic growth, Rao shed light on the state’s progress in power generation. He revealed that Telangana’s installed power generation capacity has surged to 18,453 MW, a significant increase from 7,778 MW nine years ago.
Rao further announced the decision to celebrate Telangana’s 10th Formation Day on a grand scale over 21 days, starting from today.
He recognized the role of the unified struggle of the state’s people in overcoming the challenges and ambiguities that led to the formation of Telangana.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah also extended his wishes on Twitter, praising the resilience of the Telangana people in shaping the state’s rich history and culture. Union Minister G Kishan Reddy echoed the sentiment, recognizing the significant role played by former Union Minister Sushma Swaraj in the state’s formation.
A decade since its formation, Telangana has made significant strides in economic development and social reform, emerging as a formidable economic power in the country. The state government assures its continued commitment to all-round development, promising to distribute titles of 4 lakh acres of ‘Podu’ land to 1.5 lakh tribals from June 24, and extend the ‘Dalit Bandhu’ scheme to an additional 1.50 lakh families.