Following an announcement from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) of a rain warning, the Telangana government has declared a two-day holiday for all educational institutions in the state. The holidays will be on Thursday and Friday, according to the announcement made by Sabitha Indra Reddy, the minister of education. The government has decided to declare holidays for two days for all educational institutions in the state due to the state’s heavy rainfall and on the advice of the Honorable CM, KCR garu.

That is Thursday and Friday,” Sabitha Indra Reddy tweeted.
On Wednesday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an orange warning across Telangana for the next two days indicating the likelihood of widespread rainfall.
K Nagaratnam, Director of Hyderabad Meteorological Centre  said on Wednesday, “At present, the weather situation indicates that there is an upper air cyclonic circulation laying over Odisha and its adjoining areas of Northwest Bay of Bengal and West Central Bay extending up to 7.6 kilometres above mean sea level.”

“During the next 24 hours, it is likely to intensify into a low-pressure system over the same area. Also, cyclonic circulation lays over Chhattisgarh and its adjoining areas up to 1.5 kilometres above mean sea level,” he added.
Nagaratnam said that East West wind shear is also extending at around 120 degrees north latitude. Under the influence of these synoptic features, Telangana is likely to have widespread rainfall during the next two days.
“Orange warnings have been issued over Telangana today and tomorrow along with light to moderate rain at most places,” he said on Wednesday.

He also noted that few places are likely to have heavy rainfall. One or two places are likely to have very heavy rainfall along some east districts, northeast districts, north districts and its adjoining districts like Siddipet, Warangal, Jayashankar Bhupalpally, Mulugu Karimnagar, Pedapalli, and adjoining areas.
“Tomorrow (Thursday), Telangana is likely to have light to moderate rains over most places with heavy rains at one or two places and very heavy rains likely to occur at one or two places in the north and northeast districts of Telangana,” Nagaratnam added.