On Wednesday, a video depicting two Telangana policewomen dragging a protesting student went viral on social media. In the footage, the two officers, riding a scooty, are seen pursuing a female protestor, with one of them pulling her by the hair. The incident occurred during a protest at PJTSAU (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University). The student involved was affiliated with the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and was reportedly protesting.
The video sparked widespread public outrage, leading to heavy criticism from the opposition. In response, the Rajendranagar police issued a clarification, asserting that the actions of the two lady constables were unintentional, and they intended to grab the woman protestor’s hand. Nagendra Babu, Inspector of Police at Rajendranagar Police Station, stated, “ABVP students were protesting at the Agriculture University. The police reached there and tried to disperse them. A woman student tried to run, and meanwhile, two women cops, while trying to grab her hand, caught her hair. It was not intentional.”
Opposition leaders, including Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha, expressed serious concerns about police brutality and called for stern action. Kavitha took to social media, posting, “The recent incident involving Telangana police is deeply concerning and unacceptable. Dragging a peaceful student protester and unleashing abrasive behavior on the protestor raises serious questions about the need for such aggressive tactics by the police.”
Kavitha demanded an apology from the Telangana Police and urged the National Human Rights Commission to intervene in the matter. “This arrogant behavior demands an unconditional apology from the Telangana Police. Urging the Human Rights Commission to take swift and strict action against those involved. This behavior cannot become a norm and must be condemned by all alike,” emphasized Kavitha.
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