Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan was greeted at Raj Bhavan with New Year’s greetings by Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, Legislative Assembly Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar, Telangana Ministers Konda Surekha and Seethakka, and other officials. The newly sworn-in Chief Minister Revanth Reddy stated that his government is prepared to carry out the four outstanding guarantees in 2024 in a message to the people of Telangana on the occasion of the New Year. On December 7, Anumula Revanth Reddy was sworn in as Telangana’s chief minister, making history as the first Congress chief minister of India’s newest state. In Hyderabad’s expansive Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium, Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan gave him the oath of office.
In his message, Reddy said “New Year greetings to all Telangana people. ‘Praja Palana’ (People’s government) has been instated with the support of all sections of people in the state. We removed iron grills, barricades and liberated them from all restrictions and introduced people’s participation in the governance.”
“The government fulfilled the promise of revival of democracy and freedom for all citizens. Two guarantees out of the six guarantees have already been implemented. My government is ready to implement the four other guarantees in the new year. My government aspired to extend welfare benefits to all the deserve and promote Telangana as the number one state in development in the country” added the message.
“The government accorded priority to youth empowerment and prepared action plans to provide their bright future through modern technology. The government is ready to overhaul the entire education system from primary level to higher education. We are committed to fulfilling the assurances given to the farmers,” read the message further.
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