Eight people were taken into custody on Friday in Warangal, Telangana, for printing and disseminating counterfeit money notes worth Rs 6 lakh. They also had a printer, scanner, and other printing supplies for phoney currency taken from their hands.
“The main accused, Yakub, along with Kathi Runesh, Sameer, Perla Avinash, Akram, Praveen, Rajini, Sunitha, and Sohail, planned to print fake Indian currency with the denomination of Rs 2,000,” said Warangal Commissioner of Police Tarun Joshi.
“They set up printing equipment at a rented house in Hanamkonda, divided themselves into three teams, and circulated fake currency notes at cloth stores, paint shops, and other places across various districts,” Joshi added.
Reportedly, one of the accused, Sameer, is absconding.
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