Nara Lokesh, the national general secretary of the TDP, and party members went on a hunger strike on Monday in Delhi’s Lodhi Estate in protest of Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the party’s leader and a former chief minister. The party members held signs reading “I’m with CBN” and demanded Chandrababu Naidu, the former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, be freed. TDP members have been demonstrating their outrage by calling for Chandrababu Naidu’s release through rallies and candle marches all over the nation. An earlier protest against N Chandrababu Naidu’s arrest took place in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Chandrababu is the leader of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP).
Telugu Desam party women activists marched by candlelight against the YSR Congress Party administration on September 24 in Visakhapatnam, calling for the release of their party chief. One day before the Supreme Court hearing, which is scheduled for Tuesday, TDP leader N Chandrababu Naidu will argue his case against the Andhra Pradesh High Court’s decision to dismiss a petition for the quashing of the FIR against him in the Andhra Pradesh skill development scam. The CID of Andhra Pradesh filed the petition after receiving a complaint from the ruling YSR Congress MLA A Ramakrishna Red.
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