Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday visited U19 T20 women’s cricket team captain, Shefali Verma’s home in Rohtak and congratulated her.

This comes after India’s women’s cricket team defeated England on Sunday to win the ICC U19 T20 world cup. “I arrived at Shefali Verma’s house in Rohtak, the captain of the Indian squad that won the U19 T20 World Cup. I gave her grandfather candy as a token of my congratulations on his granddaughter’s accomplishment. I also sent her family my best wishes. Shefali, the nation’s daughter, and the entire cricket team are heroes “In a tweet, the Chief Minister stated.

Shafali is already an established star in India’s senior side and wants to make the visit to South Africa even more worthwhile with another piece of silverware at next month’s tournament. “No, the big one also,” Shafali was quoted as saying by ICC when asked if the U19 trophy was the only one she was looking to take back from South Africa. “I am someone who focuses on the task at hand. When I entered the Under-19s, I only focused on winning the Under-19 Cup and we have won that today. “

Shafali Verma hit a stunning four on Hannah Baker’s delivery to start the world cup-winning chase while chasing a score of 69. When Baker then defeated Shafali for 15 off of 11, she significantly improved her team’s position. When captain Grace Scrivens struck out dangerous batter Shweta Sehrawat for 5 runs off of 6 balls, the England bowlers made an effort to retake the game.

Next to bat was Gongadi Trisha, a right-handed batter. Trisha served as the anchor while Soumya Tiwari performed some bold strokes. India needed 21 runs in 60 balls to win after 10 overs. Then, Gongadi Trisha pounded Ellie Anderson for a pair of fours.