As the Delhi High Court has upheld his arrest in a money laundering case stemming from the alleged excise scam, the sympathy move crafted by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appears to be backfiring. If no reprieve is granted by the Supreme Court on Monday, the party may plunge into deeper crisis sooner than later.

This situation poses a significant challenge for Kejriwal to save the party while remaining behind bars. The resignation of minister Rajkumar Anand, who has since launched continuous attacks against Kejriwal, indicates what lies ahead for AAP. Anand, once a key figure in the party, has turned against Kejriwal, despite his previous allegiance. Initially, Anand’s wife secured a position as an MLA, and later, Kejriwal extended an offer to Anand himself, propelling him to first become an MLA and then a minister.

According to people close to Kejriwal, nothing used to happen without give and take in any matter, from political appointments to the Rajya Sabha seat. Even talks of bargaining for the Rajya Sabha seat are coming to the light.

Claiming to be the messiah of the poor, he did politics of sympathy from the very first day and took all the decisions on his own.

Kejriwal initially allied with the INDIA coalition following revelations of ministers’ involvement in the liquor scam. Realising the necessity of opposition support, he sought to engage with parties such as Congress. However, his attempts at clever politics backfired as his agenda presentation at Ram Leela Maidan caused the constituent parties to distance themselves.

In Delhi, Congress has withdrawn its support for AAP, opting instead to focus on its own issues in the elections. This shift reflects Congress’s recognition of AAP’s dwindling longevity. With Anand’s resignation and the potential dissent of other MLAs, AAP’s prospects appear bleak in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Kejriwal’s landing up in jail has further weakened the party’s standing among the public, with anticipated sympathy failing to materialize. As such, it is speculated that only a handful of leaders will remain in the party’s fold. After Kejriwal went to jail, the party’s hold among the common people has also weakened. The sympathy that Kejriwal was expecting after going to jail and with a heart touching message from his wife doesn’t seem to create any ripple of sympathy in the hearts of the people.