Swati Maliwal, a Rajya Sabha MP, has stated that she has no intention of leaving the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) because the party is not the property of a select few individuals. In an interview with The Indian Express, Maliwal addressed the recent incident where she alleged assault by Arvind Kejriwal’s personal assistant, Bibhav Kumar, during a meeting with the Delhi chief minister at his residence on May 13. She mentioned that no one from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reached out to her following the incident.

“If I was not speaking the truth, maybe (relations between her and the party could have been mended)… Despite being beaten up so badly, I tried to compose myself because there was a larger election underway and I knew this issue would be politicised. I understand it. I tried to control myself, but no way… They have harmed the entire women’s movement by victim shaming. I will stay in the party because it does not belong to two or three people. I have given it my sweat and blood too,” The Indian Express quoted Swati Maliwal as saying.

Former Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal noted that the only person who spoke to her after the incident was Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, but she acknowledged his position as a constitutional authority. Maliwal mentioned that he inquired about the situation and asked if she encountered any difficulties in her interactions with the police.

In a different interview with Hindustan Times, Swati Maliwal stated on Sunday that she has no plans to resign from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). She further asserted that she was warned that if she were to file a complaint regarding the incident, she would be labeled as a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) agent.

Requests for comments on the allegations made by Swati Maliwal were left unanswered by the AAP. In response, Bibhav Kumar filed a counter-complaint, alleging that Maliwal forcefully entered the CM’s premises and used abusive language.

“I left my job as an engineer in 2006… I was a full-time volunteer with Arvind Kejriwal. I was a core committee member of the Anna (Hazare) movement… My blood and sweat went into the foundation of the party… I was made MP because of my hard work and dedication… I want to make it clear that I did not have any personal animosity with anyone at the party. Delhi Police will investigate why I was assaulted and at whose behest,” she said.

Maliwal also claimed that Arvind Kejriwal had not called her so far. “The situation would have been different to the extent that at least to my mind, I would have been sure that he was not involved. I would have still filed a (police) complaint. That relationship would have remained intact and I would have liked to know what he thinks. Today I am not giving anyone a clean chit,” IE quoted the AAP MP as saying.

Bibhav Kumar has filed a bail plea in a Delhi court, prompting the court to request a response from the Delhi Police. Kumar’s legal representatives submitted the plea after he was remanded to judicial custody for four days last Friday. The court reviewed the plea on Monday.

Earlier, Kumar’s anticipatory bail plea was deemed “infructuous” by the court. According to Delhi Police, Kumar has been uncooperative during the investigation, providing evasive answers, and refusing to disclose his mobile phone password.