The Delhi Police has requested CCTV footage from the company that installed cameras at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence to investigate the alleged assault on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Swati Maliwal, according to sources. The police will review all footage related to the incident from the eight cameras installed outside Kejriwal’s house.
Bibhav Kumar, Kejriwal’s personal secretary, is the accused in this case. Four police teams are especially tasked with finding him; they are supposedly in Punjab. Ten police teams are investigating the case. Investigating teams include those from the North District as well as other departments.
Moreover, regarding AAP Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, NCW chief Rekha Sharma stated, “We have sent a notice to Bibhav, but his wife did not accept it physically, so we pasted the notice on his door. If he does not respond by tomorrow, we will visit his residence to ensure our team meets him. I am hoping that he will come tomorrow.”
A chronology of the incident and the events leading up to Maliwal’s assault is what the police are trying to compile. In addition to recording statements from each person Maliwal spoke with at the gate, they will confirm the time Maliwal arrived at the Chief Minister’s House on May 13. The police will also document the cab driver’s statement. Maliwal allegedly took a cab to the chief minister’s residence..
The Delhi Police registered an FIR at the Civil Lines police station on Thursday regarding the alleged assault on the AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP. Maliwal claimed she was assaulted by Bibhav Kumar at the Chief Minister’s residence. Her statement will be recorded before a magistrate under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which allows a magistrate to record a person’s statement or confession during a police investigation.
Maliwal made a PCR call from the Chief Minister’s House at 9:34 pm on May 13. The police might issue a notice to Bibhav Kumar, asking him to join the investigation. According to the FIR, Maliwal alleged that she was slapped, hit on the stomach, attacked, and kicked by Bibhav Kumar. The FIR includes charges under sections 354, 506, 509, and 323 of the IPC, which cover offences such as assault or criminal force to outrage a woman’s modesty, criminal intimidation, and other related charges.