The rift between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its Rajya Sabha member Swati Maliwal has deepened. AAP accused Maliwal of colluding with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against Arvind Kejriwal, alleging her involvement in a conspiracy. This accusation stems from an incident involving Kejriwal’s private secretary, Bibhav Kumar, who is accused of assaulting Maliwal, the former Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief.

Bibhav Kumar appeared before the Delhi Tis Hazari Court, where the Delhi police requested a 7-day police custody.

The additional public prosecutor (APP) representing the Delhi police stated, “The accused was arrested today, and we have provided the grounds for arrest. The primary reason for seeking police custody is the victim’s status as a public figure and member of parliament. She suffered severe physical assault, including being beaten, kicked in the private parts, and her head was banged, leading to the imposition of relevant sections.”

The APP continued, “The investigating officer (IO) visited the incident scene and received video footage. However, the footage during the incident period was blank upon playing the video. Additionally, the phone provided to us was formatted, and it was discovered that the formatting occurred yesterday.”