In a new development regarding the Swati Maliwal assault case, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP alleged tampering with the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s residence. Taking to X on Friday evening, Swati Maliwal stated, “I have received information that now these people are tampering with the CCTV of the house,” tagging Delhi Police in her post.

Earlier, a team of Delhi Police, along with forensic officials, arrived at the CM’s residence for scene recreation as part of the investigation into the alleged assault on Maliwal. The team departed after investigation and videography of the premises.

This comes after Delhi CM Kejriwal’s aide filed a complaint against Maliwal, alleging unauthorized entry, verbal abuse, threats, and a potential BJP involvement. Notably, the Vigilance Department had terminated the service of Kejriwal’s assistant last month over a pending criminal case.

In his complaint, Kejriwal’s aide urged authorities to take legal action against Maliwal and investigate her possible ties with BJP leaders. This complaint emerged amid a row over Maliwal’s allegations against the aide for ‘assaulting’ her at the CM’s residence.

AAP attacked Maliwal on Friday over a purported video clip from the CM’s residence, showing her having an argument with security personnel. This marked the first time AAP took a stand against Maliwal in the case, contradicting earlier statements of support.

Earlier, Delhi Police filed an FIR based on Maliwal’s complaint, alleging assault and intimidation by Kejriwal’s aide. Maliwal responded, accusing her party of protecting a “Gunda” and engaging in her “character assassination.”

Delhi’s Tis Hazari court recorded Maliwal’s statement in the assault case on Friday. An FIR was filed against Kejriwal’s aide and others based on her complaint, citing various sections of the Indian Penal Code.