In response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s directive to cleanse temples nationwide ahead of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya, BJP National President JP Nadda took part in the cleanliness drive at Delhi’s Pashupati Nath Temple in the Vishwas Nagar area. As part of the Swachh Teerth Campaign, Nadda voluntarily contributed labor for the temple’s upkeep and actively engaged in cleaning activities. Accompanied by BJP MP and former cricketer Gautam Gambhir, Nadda also participated in Bhajan recitations by Ram devotees and was seen painting the walls of Pashupati Nath Temple.
The BJP’s initiative for temple cleanliness drives, initiated earlier this month, will extend until January 22, coinciding with the Pran Pratishtha at the Ayodhya Ram temple. Numerous senior BJP leaders, including Union ministers and Chief Ministers from various states, have enthusiastically joined the campaign, symbolizing their commitment to the cause.
Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi set a precedent by cleaning the premises of Maharashtra’s Kalaram Temple in Nashik as part of the Swachchata Abhiyan campaign. The Prime Minister, captured in visuals with a mop and bucket, actively participated in the temple’s floor-cleaning activities. During the inaugural address at the 27th National Youth Festival in Nashik, PM Modi renewed his call for nationwide cleanliness campaigns. He urged citizens to engage in Swachhata activities, emphasizing the importance of cleaning pilgrimage places and temples across the country in preparation for the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ day of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to attend the grand temple’s idol installation ceremony on January 22, marking a historic event in Ayodhya.
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