Umar Ansari, the son of the late gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari, has been granted anticipatory bail in connection with the alleged violation of the Model Code of Conduct during the 2022 assembly elections.

The bench comprising Justices Hrishikesh Roy and PK Mishra had previously directed Umar to appear before the trial court in relation to the case.

After considering the arguments from both sides, the court was inclined to grant bail. However, it also noted that the charges framed against him are subject to trial’s adjudication.

Additionally, the court also ordered the furnishing of a bail bond amounting to Rs. 20,000.

Earlier, the Allahabad High Court had rejected Mr. Ansari’s plea for anticipatory bail, after reviewing the pertinent facts and circumstances of the case. Also making a offence out of it.

Subsequently, Ansari approached the high court to challenge the decision of the Allahabad Court. Then on January 25, the Supreme Court provided him protection from arrest in the case.


What had happened?

On March 4, 2022, an FIR was filed at Kotwali police station against Abbas Ansari (SBSP candidate for the Mau Sadar seat), Umar Ansari, and 150 unidentified individuals.

Alleging that Umar Ansari, together with Abbas Ansari and organizer Mansoor Ahmad Ansari, held a public meeting that called for the settling scores with the Mau administration,

Thus, leading to a case of Model Code of Conduct violation which was enforced during 2022 state Assembly election.