Unidentified miscreants shot and killed an attorney in Uttar Pradesh’s Sultanpur district on Monday, police said. According to officials, the event occurred on Sunday evening in Nekrahi village, which is located in the Kotwali Dehat police station area of Sultanpur district.

At 7 p.m., Advocate Azad was at a tea shop with his brother, Munavvar, when a gang of unidentified people arrived in an SUV and began firing at them.

“Advocate Azad received two bullets, while his brother also injured in the firing. Locals rushed the brothers duo to District Hospital, where doctors declared Azad brought dead,” the police said, adding that the accused managed to flee from the spot after the incident.

According to officials, Azad’s sibling Munawwar has also been transferred to Lucknow Trauma Center in severe condition. Following the tragedy, a big crowd gathered at the district hospital, including locals and relatives of the victims.

Artamani Mishra, general secretary of the Sultanpur Bar Association, approached the SP and asked for harsh punishment against those implicated.

“The incident happened at the tea stall after which advocate Azad died. His real brother has been sent to Lucknow Trauma Center. We have spoke to the SP for immediate action into the incident. If the accused are not caught, the advocates will be bound to protest,” Mishra said while speaking to reporters.