Sukhbir Singh Badal, the president of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), has demanded the filing of a FIR against Lalchand Kataruchak, the food and civil supplies minister, and Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal, former rural development and panchayat minister. Badal alleges that the two ministers collaborated to appoint a tainted District Development and Panchayat Officer (DDPO) as an Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) in Pathankot just before his retirement.
This move, according to Badal, was aimed at transferring 100 acres of mineral-rich panchayati land to private individuals for personal financial gain.
Badal emphasizes that solely blaming the retired official is insufficient, asserting that the ministers orchestrated the transfer of panchayati land to private parties. He calls for a comprehensive investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the matter to uncover the money trail and identify all those involved in the corrupt scheme, including the ministers and beneficiaries who profited from the land transfer.
Highlighting what he considers a glaring example of institutionalized corruption within the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government, Badal points out that one minister recommended the appointment of DDPO Kuldeep Singh as ADC, while another minister approved the order. The calculated timing of this move, promoting Kuldeep Singh shortly before his retirement, suggests a premeditated plan to exploit the panchayat’s land.
Badal questions Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s silence on the issue, drawing parallels to his defense of Kataruchak against previous allegations. He challenges Mann to explain his unwavering support for Kataruchak, hinting at a potential association between the chief minister and the accused ministers. Furthermore, Badal accuses AAP ministers of colluding with the mining mafia, leading to a significant increase in sand prices during their tenure. He dismisses the government’s claims of curbing drug trafficking, stating that the issue has worsened under the AAP regime despite their assertions to the contrary. In light of these allegations, Badal urges thorough scrutiny, transparency, and accountability within the government’s actions.
Bajwa seeks action against Kataruchak ‘ plot to Illegally transfer land
Amidst the Pathankot land scam, Leader of the Opposition (LoP) Partap Singh Bajwa has called for Cabinet Minister Lal Chand Kataruchak’s resignation. Bajwa urges an impartial probe, ideally by a central agency, into the case involving the illicit transfer of 100 acres of mining-rich panchayat land. Bajwa, a prominent Congress leader, cites a news report alleging Kataruchak’s role in appointing tainted DDPO Kuldeep Singh as Additional Deputy Commissioner, facilitated by a demi-official letter to then Minister for Rural Development and Panchayats, Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal.
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