A huge crowd attended Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s roadshow in Jabalpur, marking the launch of BJP’s Lok Sabha campaign in Madhya Pradesh. However, the event took a tragic turn as four individuals sustained injuries when a stage collapsed during the proceedings on Sunday. The injured, including a police officer, were promptly taken to Victoria Hospital in the city, where they received medical attention. Madhya Pradesh minister Rakesh Singh later visited the injured, assuring that they were all in stable condition and undergoing proper treatment.
Referring the incident, Singh attributed the stage collapse to the overcrowding at the roadshow. “On PM Modi’s direction, I met with the people who were admitted to the hospital after getting injured in the stage collapse incident. All are fine, and proper treatment is being given to the injured. I pray to God that all of them get well soon,” he conveyed to ANI. Those treated for injuries were subsequently discharged and sent home.
According to Dilip Srivastava, a police officer in Jabalpur, the stage collapse occurred after PM Modi’s rally had passed, due to overcrowding. One police personnel and three others were injured in the incident and were swiftly transported to Victoria Hospital for medical attention.
The roadshow in Jabalpur signified the initiation of BJP’s Lok Sabha campaign in the state, coinciding with PM Modi’s first visit to Madhya Pradesh post the implementation of the model code of conduct for the general elections.
Madhya Pradesh is scheduled to conduct the Lok Sabha elections 2024 in four phases, spanning April 19, April 26, May 7, and May 13. The state encompasses a total of 29 Lok Sabha constituencies, with 10 reserved for SC and ST candidates, and the remaining 19 being unreserved. The Bharatiya Janata Party has historically maintained a stronghold in the state, emerging victorious in both the state assembly elections last year and the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, securing a vast majority of seats.
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