A devastating stampede at a religious gathering in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, has claimed the lives of at least 121 people. The incident occurred during a satsang led by religious preacher Bhole Baba in Ratibhanpur village, Sikandra Rau tehsil, on Tuesday. Reports indicate that over 15,000 devotees were present, exceeding the permitted limit, when the stampede ensued, primarily due to suffocation amid hot and humid conditions.

Eyewitnesses described chaotic scenes as the event concluded and attendees rushed to leave, with many women caught in the commotion. The tragedy highlights ongoing concerns over crowd management and safety protocols at religious events across India, where past incidents have also led to significant casualties.

Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the stampede, emphasizing the need for effective crowd control measures and adherence to safety guidelines during such gatherings to prevent future tragedies.

The incident underscores broader challenges in managing large-scale religious gatherings, where factors like overcrowding, uneven terrain, and inadequate infrastructure contribute to heightened risks of stampedes. Efforts to implement stringent crowd management strategies and enhance public safety remain crucial in averting similar catastrophes in the future.