Similar incidents have occurred recently, highlighting a concerning trend. Just days ago, passengers on another SpiceJet flight from Delhi to Srinagar faced a similar predicament. They boarded the aircraft and were left inside for more than an hour without functioning air conditioning, exacerbating the discomfort caused by Delhi’s severe heat.

Imagine being trapped in an enclosed setup with no open doors, windows, or fans. The situation quickly became intolerable, especially given the current heatwave conditions. The temperature in Delhi has been soaring, and heatwaves are taking a toll on the health of residents.

For the passengers of the Delhi to Darbhanga flight, the lack of air conditioning turned the waiting period into a dreadful experience. According to reports, many passengers began to feel sick due to the extreme heat. The Print reported that the situation became dire as the hot and stagnant air inside the cabin made it difficult for passengers to breathe comfortably.

One passenger described the ordeal, saying, “Waiting in the flight cabin was unbearable. Without air conditioning, the heat was stifling. People around me were visibly uncomfortable, and some even started to feel faint.”

The incident raises serious concerns about passenger safety and comfort during air travel, particularly during extreme weather conditions. As temperatures continue to rise, ensuring that aircraft are equipped with fully operational air conditioning systems is critical to preventing such distressing experiences.

SpiceJet has yet to release an official statement addressing the incident. Passengers affected by the situation are calling for the airline to take immediate action to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by extreme weather conditions and the importance of maintaining essential services to ensure passenger well-being. As heatwaves continue to impact cities like Delhi, airlines and other service providers must prioritize measures to protect individuals from the harmful effects of high temperatures.