Two teenage girls were killed after a car ran over them at Rohtak road, Delhi, said police. The deceased have been identified as Vanshika Mishra (14), Manvi (14). As per reports, the girls were hit by the car while they were on their way to their tuition classes. 

The car driver (accused) has been identified as Arun Sharma, informed police.

“ A PCR call vide DD no.73 dated 11/12/2022 was received regarding an accident. Two girls Vanshika Mishra and Manvi while crossing the Rohtak road at Metro Pillar no.294 met with an accident from Maruti Swift silver colour no.DL-9CX 1207 driven by Arun Sharma s/o Ravi Sharma r/o J-93C Adhyapak Nagar Nangloi Delhi,” said Delhi Police in an official statement. 

A case under sections 279/337/304 A was registered in this regard. 

“Both injured were shifted to Pushpanjali Hospital and later referred to Action Balaji hospital where Manvi was declared dead and due to the non-availability of a ventilator, Vanshika Mishra was hospitalized in Maharaja Agrasen Hospital. During treatment, she expired today in the morning. The body of the deceased Manvi was shifted yesterday and Vanshika was shifted today to the Mortuary of Sanjay Gandhi hospital. Postmortem was conducted,” the statement added.