Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla addressed members on Monday, revealing that a high-level committee is actively investigating the security breach incident on December 13. Expressing his distress over the “politicization” of the issue, the Speaker clarified that the suspension of certain opposition members was unrelated to the breach but stemmed from their act of bringing placards into the House.

During the Question Hour, Speaker Birla emphasized that the security of Parliament falls under the jurisdiction of the Lok Sabha secretariat. He assured members that the high-level committee, tasked with probing the incident, has already initiated its investigation. Several suggestions from the all-party meeting to bolster Parliament’s security have been implemented, he added.

Continuing his address, Speaker Birla pledged to keep members informed and sought their cooperation. “It is regrettable that politics is being played on this issue,” he stated, condemning the disruption of the House’s decorum with slogans and members entering the Well. He urged the opposition to collaborate and engage in discussions on crucial matters.

Meanwhile, opposition parties are pressing for a statement from Home Minister Amit Shah concerning the December 13 security breach. Despite the Speaker’s call for order, the ongoing protest by members prompted him to adjourn the House until 12 noon. The demand for accountability and the fallout from the breach continue to dominate parliamentary proceedings.