In a tragic incident, Samajwadi Party MLA Haji Irfan Solanki of Shishamau and his brother Rizwan Solanki bullied a woman named Minaz, whose house was set on fire by them while she was away. The woman lives adjacent to Solanki’s house in the Defense Colony in Janpad, Kanpur.
The woman, in an interview, has claimed that the Solanki brothers have been after her land for a long time, have been responsible for the death of her father, and have also targeted his brother, who they wrongfully incarcerated and tortured. She claimed it was not the first time they tried to do something like this, and a case had also been registered by her family in the court, but to no avail.
MLA Haji Irfan Solanki and his brother, Irfan Solanki, from the SP, have had many criminal cases against them from the times of the Samajwadi Party government, and the hooliganism continues in the time of the Yogi government too, claims the woman.
In response to the complaint filed again by the victim, a police team from adjoining Thanas raided the house of Haji Irfan Solanki late at night to execute an investigation. Haji Irfan Solanki has denied the charges and appealed to the Yogi government to intervene with the police investigations and form a committee to investigate the matter.