On Monday, Samajwadi Party leader Ramgopal Yadav urged the government in the Rajya Sabha to revert to the traditional subject-based question paper format for UPSC examinations. During the Zero Hour session, Yadav emphasized the importance of this issue, arguing that education should aim for the overall development of individuals.
Recalling the previous exam pattern, Yadav credited it with producing many of the nation’s advocates and scientists. “The competitive exams have moved away from this effective pattern,” he said, suggesting that the current objective question format has led to a rise in cheating and paper leaks.
Yadav highlighted the significance of subjective questions in assessing an individual’s reasoning abilities. He expressed concerns about the quality of selected candidates, stating, “As a result, such candidates, after selection, cannot even draft a letter correctly.”
He appealed to the government, “This method needs to be changed. Bring back the old system.”
The Chair allowed Yadav to raise the issue despite submitting a physical notice instead of the required electronic submission. “As an exception, I will allow him to raise this issue with the understanding that all members will be inspired by him to follow the procedure and become technologically upgraded,” the Chair remarked.
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