Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a scathing attack on the Samajwadi Party (SP) during an election rally in Mirzapur on Sunday, accusing the party of nurturing a culture of criminality. Speaking at the rally for the upcoming byelection in the Majhwan Assembly constituency, Adityanath alleged that the SP has become a “production house of criminals and mafia,” contributing to lawlessness and targeting the vulnerable sections of society.

‘Akhilesh Yadav is the CEO, Shivpal Yadav the Trainer’

The Chief Minister did not hold back in his criticism of the SP leadership, directly targeting its national president, Akhilesh Yadav, and senior leader Shivpal Yadav. “SP has become the production house of the mafia and criminals. Akhilesh Yadav is the CEO of these criminals, while Shivpal Yadav is their trainer,” Adityanath declared.

He further accused the SP of enabling mafia elements who exploit public resources and harm weaker segments of the population. “These mafia and criminals are there to usurp people’s wealth, harm the vulnerable, and violate the dignity of women,” he added.

Contrasting BJP and SP Rule

Adityanath contrasted the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh under the current BJP administration with that of the SP’s tenure. He claimed that under SP rule, criminals were given free rein, whereas the BJP government has restored law and order in the state.

The Chief Minister also criticized the current leadership of the SP for straying from the original values of the socialist movement that inspired the party’s formation. “The socialist movement was about ideals, led by figures like Jaya Prakash Narayan and Ram Manohar Lohia. They stood for value-based politics and fought against corruption. But today, the Samajwadi Party has become an alliance of professional criminals and mafia. This is no longer a secret,” Adityanath said.

Yogi Adityanath took a swipe at the opposition INDIA alliance, which includes the SP and the Congress, accusing them of prioritizing family interests over public welfare. “They have no agenda for development. Their focus is on promoting their own families, not on the development of the state or the country,” he asserted.

He contrasted this with the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), which he claimed is committed to national development and progress. “While the BJP and NDA are dedicated to the country’s growth, the SP and Congress are misleading voters with false promises,” Adityanath added.

The byelections are set to take place on November 20 across nine Assembly constituencies, including Majhwan in Mirzapur, Sisamau in Kanpur, Katehri in Ambedkar Nagar, Kundarki in Moradabad, Ghaziabad in Ghaziabad district, Karhal in Mainpuri, Khair in Aligarh, Phulpur in Prayagraj, and Meerapur in Muzaffarnagar district. The vote counting will be conducted on November 23.