The Chhattisgarh police chief received a notice from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India on Thursday regarding the incident in which a 23-year-old man committed suicide by jumping in front of a moving train after his father was detained and allegedly beaten by police.
“The police illegally arrested and detained the victim’s father and also gave him severe beatings, as mentioned in the news report. The son suffered humiliation and committed suicide out of embarrassment. A precious human life has been lost due to the apparent insensible and inhuman approach of the police personnel,” the NHRC stated.
In Belha railway station, which is within the boundaries of Belha police station, in Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur district, on Monday, a man identified as Harish Chandra Gendle, a resident of the village of Bhainsbod, jumped in front of the train because he was upset and disappointed about the alleged torture and beating of his father by the police.
The commission is requesting a thorough report on the situation within four weeks and has also inquired as to whether the victimised family has received any relief.
A schoolgirl’s bicycle was struck by Harish’s motorcycle on Monday, according to the police, and the girl then reported the incident. In response to the complaint, authorities sent Harish’s father, Bhagirathi, to the police station because the minor wasn’t there.
According to reports, police officials and constables beat Bhagirathi.
Meanwhile, Rooplal Chandra, who is accused of beating Gendle’s father, was suspended by Bilaspur senior superintendent of police (SSP) Parul Mathur on Tuesday. The villagers protested in response to the incident as well.
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