Setting the tone for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Union Minister Smriti Irani emphasized that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not pursuing a personal agenda but is committed to addressing hardcore issues. In an exclusive interview with ANI, Irani highlighted the BJP-led government’s achievements, including the Jal Jeevan mission, poverty reduction, Ayushman Bharat, digital literacy, and successful vaccine delivery.

Irani asserted that PM Modi is not seeking validation from “cosy clubs in Lutyens” but has the support of millions of Indians who elected him to office. She criticized the Congress party, stating that in the age of social media, everything is evolving except the Gandhi family.

Responding to the announcement of Mallikarjun Kharge as the PM face by the INDIA bloc partners TMC and AAP, Irani noted that the name did not come from Mrs. Gandhi and came from parties outside the Congress. She highlighted the absence of a declaration from Sonia Gandhi breaking away from the tradition of dynasty.

The interview underscored the BJP’s strong position and showcased the government’s work, aiming to resonate with voters ahead of the 2024 general elections.