Even as Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini patting his back about the decision to procure all 24 notified crops at Minimum Support Price (MSP), the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) has dismissed the announcement as a mere political ploy.

The SKM-an umbrella body of around 40 farmer unions of the country, argued that the announcement of procurement on MSPs, which exclude the C2+50% formula and lack legally guaranteed procurement, are insufficient and merely a ploy to gain farmers’ votes ahead of upcoming elections.

The CM’s announcement, made during a BJP rally, has been labeled by SKM as an “election stunt,” aimed at appeasing the farmer community without addressing their core demands. According to SKM, the current MSP for paddy for the year 2024-25 stands at Rs. 2300 per quintal, based on the A2+FL model which includes the cost of cultivation and family labor. However, this is substantially lower than the C2+50% formula recommended by the National Commission on Farmers, chaired by MS Swaminathan, which totals Rs. 3012 per quintal.

The SKM highlighted that the discrepancy between the current MSP and the C2+50% formula results in significant financial losses for farmers, claiming that Haryana’s paddy farmers, who produced 54.1 lakh tonnes in 2023-24, have already incurred a staggering loss of Rs. 3851.90 crore. The shortfall in MSP across 24 crops is expected to reveal the true anti-farmer stance of the BJP and the Saini administration, according to SKM.
Adding to the discontent, the SKM criticized the lack of legally binding procurement commitments, stating that the absence of a guaranteed procurement system forces farmers to sell their produce to intermediaries and large agribusinesses, resulting in exploitation and financial losses.

The SKM has scheduled a state-level meeting on August 20 to strategize on “massive actions” against the BJP. The agenda includes demands for MSP based on the C2+50% formula with guaranteed procurement, a comprehensive loan waiver, and halting the privatization of the power sector. Furthermore, SKM plans to honor the 736 farmer martyrs from the Delhi border protests by constructing a memorial at Singhu and Tikri Border. The SKM leaders announced that they will launch village-level campaigns to mobilize farmers and the public, aiming to “Expose, Oppose, and Punish” the BJP in the forthcoming Haryana Assembly elections.