Actor Ananya Panday, who is paved her way to become the youth sensation of India, recently joined NewsX for a fun and candid chat as part of NewsX India A-List. In the exclusive conversation, Ananya spoke about her latest collaboration with Sketchers, her choice of sneakers, fitness mantra and much more.
Speaking about the new collection by Sketchers and what made her come on-board as a special guest to launch it, Ananya said, “For me, it has always been such a natural fit with Sketchers, just the way both our personalities vibe. Sketchers is all about originality, all about having fun, having colour, vibrance and I feel like that’s something I really resonate with as well. Our vibes have always matched, especially with this campaign, ‘The Originals Keep Moving’. I love what it stands for, i.e freedom of self, freedom of expression, also the fact that it is about moving. Keep moving no matter what live throws at you. It is such a catchy line and it is something that I completely believe in.“
When asked what determines her choice of sneakers, what is something she keeps in mind while she is buying your latest sneaker and what does she believe is the USP of this latest collection, Ananya responded, “What I look out for when I am buying sneakers is what I call myself, ‘I’m a serial chiller’. I am a self proclaimed serial chiller. For me, the most important thing is comfort but then I am also super into pops of colour, so I like the little vibrancy also. That’s why, for me, Sketchers is the perfect fit because the shoes are so comfortable. I can literally do anything in the shoes but they also have like really different styles and all these pops of colour and they are so vibrant and that’s the USP of the delight collection. It is, as I said, the perfect fit. “
Sharing her fitness mantra and how she has been staying fit amid the lockdown, Ananya said, “I do little bit of everything. I love doing Yoga. I have recently started weight training as well. I love dancing. For my weight-training and dancing, I am always in my sketchers. They are my best friend.”
On a concluding note, Ananya shared a fashion tip for all those who want to look cool while working out and said, “I would suggest while you are working out, comfort should be the top priority. If you want to have some fun, try different colours, mix and match your laces and I think that would light up the energy while you are working out. I would suggest the Sketchers Delight because that has everything that a girl wants.”