The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police made a significant breakthrough on Tuesday, apprehending six individuals and seizing counterfeit items, including fake gold and counterfeit Indian currency notes (FICN). The arrested individuals were identified as Debdas Halder (25), Santosh Mandal (40), Nitay Halder (48), Manuj Kumar (40), Saddam Hussain (27), and Shivam Kumar (22).

Partha Sarathi Mahanta, the DIG (STF), informed ANI that the operation was executed based on intelligence information. The STF team conducted a well-coordinated operation in the Lalmati area under the jurisdiction of Basistha police station. The raid resulted in the arrest of the six individuals and the confiscation of three suspicious gold-shaped items weighing approximately 3.556 kg, along with 315 suspected counterfeit notes of Rs 200 and Rs 500 denominations, totaling Rs 1,04,700. Additionally, the team recovered five mobile phones, cash amounting to Rs 1,08,490, among other items.

DIG Mahanta stated, “Acting on intelligence input regarding the dealing and delivery of fake gold and fake currency, a raid was conducted at the Lalmati area near the IIE Office under Basistha police station jurisdiction.”

The investigation into this illicit operation is currently ongoing, with authorities actively probing the matter to gather more information and uncover additional details regarding the illegal activities carried out by the apprehended individuals.