The Uttar Pradesh police have made a breakthrough in the Amreen murder case, which emerged a month after her body was discovered hanging from a tree in Rampur. The girl’s brother-in-law and a relative have been arrested in connection with her death.

On October 4, 20-year-old Amreen, who lived in Bagarabba village in the Azim Nagar police station area, went to visit a local Mazar but never returned. Her body was later found hanging from a tree in the village cemetery.

Initially believed to be a suicide, the post-mortem examination indicated that Amreen had been murdered, and her body was hanged afterward.

During the police investigation, disturbing details surfaced. It was found that Amreen had qualities associated with a eunuch, and her brother-in-law, Matloob, had inappropriate intentions toward her. He recorded an intimate video with his wife and sent it to Amreen, who, angered by this invasion of privacy, shared the video with several villagers.