In a tragic incident captured in a heart-wrenching video from Telangana, a young girl was run over by a car while she was asleep in a parking space of a residence. The unfortunate incident occurred in Hayat Nagar RTC Colony, located in Rangareddy District. The victim, a girl of approximately two and a half years old, tragically lost her life.
According to police officials mentioned in an IANS report, the child’s mother, who was working at a nearby construction site, brought her to the parking area to shield her from the intense heat. She placed the girl on the ground to sleep.
The driver of the car, identified as Hari Rama Krishna, an interior designer, was responsible for the reckless incident involving the toddler. Notably, Krishna’s wife works as a sub-inspector in the Prohibition & Excise department. The family of the child had recently relocated to the city from Karnataka. The couple worked as construction laborers and are now left devastated, with their seven-year-old son as the sole survivor.
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