In the ominous predawn hours of Sunday, the tranquil silence in Delhi’s RK Puram area was violently disrupted by the audacious murder of two sisters, spawning a raging political battle that has swept through the city’s power corridors. The event has ignited a blistering feud between the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), each using the tragedy as a platform to land damning punches on the other, each angling for the upper hand in the aftermath of this shocking event.
The ill-fated victims, identified as Pinky, aged 30, and Jyoti, aged 29, met their tragic end in the heart of Ambedkar Basti. The women were immediately transported to SJ Hospital, but despite medical efforts, they tragically succumbed to their injuries. The incident has cast a long, dark shadow over the national capital, fueling the ongoing clash of political powerhouses.The event quickly escalated to the digital arena, with Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, leveling a direct accusation at the Delhi Lieutenant Governor, VK Saxena, through a tweet. In a pointed attack, Kejriwal claimed the Lieutenant Governor is focusing on political manoeuvring instead of addressing the pressing issues of law and order in the city.
In his emotive Twitter post, Kejriwal said, “Our hearts go out to the families of both women. May their souls find eternal peace. The people of Delhi are growing increasingly insecure, and those charged with maintaining Delhi’s law and order are engrossed in power play, seeking to overtake the entire Delhi government instead of bolstering law and order. If Delhi’s law and order were under the AAP government’s purview, Delhi would be the safest place to live.”
Kejriwal’s tweet received a swift counter from BJP MP Manoj Tiwari, who rebuked the AAP leader’s allegations, decrying the politicisation of the incident. Tiwari further underscored the recent string of fires in Delhi, attributing the city’s rising tension to the ruling government’s inadequacies.
Meanwhile, Union Minister of State, Meenakshi Lekhi, stood up in defence of the law enforcement agencies, claiming that the police had swiftly sprung into action upon receiving the news. She noted that an FIR has been registered and an in-depth investigation is in progress.
Taking a stand against the Lieutenant Governor, Delhi Health Minister and AAP leader, Saurabh Bhardwaj, emphasised the escalating crime rates in Delhi and the disturbing trend of violence against women. He accused the Lieutenant Governor of misprioritization, suggesting that his focus is far removed from the pressing law-and-order challenges the city is grappling with.
In an unexpected twist to this ongoing saga, Delhi Police reported the arrest of three individuals, identified as Arjun, Michael, and Dev, in connection with the RK Puram double murder. Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, a senior BJP leader and Badarpur MLA, has also extended his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. As the tale of this horrifying incident continues to unravel, the Delhi police are leaving no stone unturned to uncover the truth behind the tragic murder of the two sisters. This incident has become the epicentre of an escalating political maelstrom in Delhi, laying bare the city’s tenuous law-and-order situation and the fraught political tensions at its heart.