Former Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena Chief Uddhav Thackeray announced on Saturday that the party will organize a ‘Maha Aarti’ at the Godavari River bank in Nasik on January 22, coinciding with the consecration day of the Ram Temple. The Pran-Pratishtha (consecration) rituals for Ram Lalla in Ayodhya are scheduled to commence on January 16, a week before the main ceremony.

The main consecration ceremony, led by priest Lakshmi Kant Dixit from Varanasi, will take place on January 22. Ayodhya will observe the Amrit Mahotsav from January 14 to January 22 in preparation for the grand event.

Uddhav Thackeray explained, “The birth anniversary of Bala Saheb falls on January 23, but since the consecration ceremony of the Ayodhya Ram Temple is on January 22, the Shiv Sena will perform a ‘Maha Aarti’ on that day at the Godavari River bank in Nasik.”

Addressing the issue of invitations, Thackeray stated, “We do not want to indulge in matters of who has got the invitation and who has not. When the consecration ceremony will be held in Ayodhya, at the same time, we will participate by offering prayers at the Kala Ram Temple in Nasik. On the same day, we will hold the party’s conference in Nasik itself.”

Nasik’s Kalaram Temple, dedicated to Lord Ram, holds significance as it is believed to be the place where Lord Ram, along with Sita and Lakshman, stayed during their exile (‘Vanvaas’).

Uddhav Thackeray has not received an invitation to the grand consecration ceremony in Ayodhya. Earlier, the Shiv Sena leader remarked that he did not need an invitation to visit the temple, emphasizing that Ram Lalla belongs to everyone and should not be politicized.

Union Minister Narayan Rane criticized Thackeray, suggesting that he should refrain from attending the consecration ceremony. Rane remarked, “Uddhav is crazy; he has no right to speak about the Ram Temple. Such people should not go to see the Ram Temple. It is a sacred place, and such crazy people should not go there.”