Rita Thapar, wife of Shiv Sena Punjab leader Sandeep Gora Thapar, met with Governor Banwari Lal Purohit in Chandigarh today. She was accompanied by Rajeev Tandon, the National Chairman of Shiv Sena Punjab. Rita urged the Governor to initiate an NIA investigation into the attack on her husband by Nihangs outside the Civil Hospital on July 5.

Rita mentioned that the police have apprehended three of the attackers, while one Nihang accused remains at large. She requested the Governor to take immediate action through central agencies to ensure high-alert security. Rita Thapar emphasized that the central agencies must ensure the safety of her family.

Rajeev Tandon, National Chairman of Shiv Sena Punjab, stated that Hindu leaders have always worked in the national interest. He assured that they would continue to maintain peace in Punjab and collaborate closely with the administration to achieve this goal.